Tuesday, February 24, 2015

#Momfirst -- Rhyming Rant

I know I will get heat for this but I had to write about it before I exploded.
I ventured out to a local play place with my cabin fever littles. I quickly noticed the diverse group of parents who had the same idea. Everyone parents differently, I get that. No two parents are the same. HOWEVER...there is no excuse for completely ignoring your children when they crave your attention. I am not saying don't take time for yourself or getting the break that you need. The following situation was painfully clear that a child was nothing but a bother. That other things were taking priority when there were definite problems that needed to be addressed by his parent.
To the mom over there, with the wavy hair and the cell phone glued to her face...
The one with the kid with the terrible grin who currently has my kid locked in a wrestling pin...
I am trying not to loose my s**t as it is My Kid, that your kid continues to hit!
I get that it's winter and it obvious that your kid desires to be a sprinter but here is not the place!
I know I am possessive however this toddler play area for your 9 year old is a little excessive!!!!
I get it's winter break and you would rather be on a cruise or at the lake...
Yet while you sit on your phone and flirt, my other kid just got hurt!
Now this momma bear, with the undone hair, is ready to go toe to toe with your 9 year old!
I am trying not to judge you, I am also trying not to scream, as your kid terrorizes my 2 year old team!
I get that your life may not be what you dreamed, but I am sure you are more blessed than you seem.
Your little boy wants your attention, not a Facebook mention!
He is yelling YOUR name as he runs past those shaking their heads in shame.
Everyone knows it's hard-- we all have at least one s**t card, but I can assure you this kid isn't it!
Please see what he needs!
It's NOT the best new Beats, a new pair of sneaks or an afternoon with all these pint sized peeps!
I know there is a ton of snow, but hanging with these kids won't help him socially grow!
Take him somewhere with kids who breathe the same height of air!
Now before you go saying that he "might have a label" or "really isn't able" - there is no excuse that covers sitting at a table and ignoring him!
You are a mom, you are his calm.
Please look in his eyes and stop telling yourself lies -- he needs you more than you realize!
Put down the phone before your kid is grown --- or you may really be left all alone!
I clearly can't rhythm but this was written just after bedtime, where I sat and read until my littles finally rested their weary heads! I am beat, I am tired, my everything hurts from trying to keep up with the demand of my two biggest fans.
I understand that my way is not everyone's way to play...
but the parenting game never ends, there are no roles written in pen. Just care and be there!
You have to push through, that's what mothers do!
All I ask is to show the love the your kids need! They should never have to plead!

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